How Long Does Plantar Fasciitis Last?

Plantar Fasciitis Recovery Time

I understand how frustrating plantar fasciitis can be since it derails your training entirely. It usually starts as an ache in the bottom of your foot and worsens with repetitive movement. The pain can come and go, making it difficult to tell when you have fully recovered.

Plantar fasciitis usually lasts between 4 weeks and 6 months. Occasionally it can take longer to fully recover and run pain free. You can speed up the plantar fasciitis recovery time if you avoid putting additional strain on your heel for a 2-4 weeks as soon as symptoms start.

Unfortunately, that does mean you will want to change how you run for now. However, that does not mean you need to stop exercising.

Low impact workouts will help you to stay in shape and even speed up the healing process. By taking the time to care for your foot using the tips in this article, you can be up and running again soon.

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How Long To Rest From Running With Plantar Fasciitis?

You can still run with plantar fasciitis as long as you listen to your body. You must reduce the number of weekly runs you are taking and are resting your injured foot as much as possible. I would switch your missed runs with low-impact exercises. Learn more about running with plantar fasciitis right here.

Additionally, make sure that you are taking slow, easy runs. Repetitive motions and excessive stress cause plantar fasciitis – more intense runs will make the healing process take a lot longer.

If you notice an increase in your foot pain, ice your foot and stay off it for at least two weeks. This amount of time will allow you to heal completely, then get back to running without pain. You should be stretching and exercising your feet at least two times per day during that time frame.

Return to Running Slowly

You will want to return to running gradually. Many people mistakenly jump right back into high-intensity running, which can make plantar fasciitis much worse. First, make sure that you are stretching your legs and feet before and after each run.

You also should be running at a slower pace and taking more rest days between activities. As a runner, I understand this can be challenging for many. However, you can also work on low-impact exercises during your downtime. Doing so makes the time before I can run at my complete potential pass much faster.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the tissues at the bottom of your foot become inflamed. The plantar fascia tissue connects your toes to your heel bone. It can become agitated with repetitive stress – making it a common injury among runners.

If you have this condition, you are more likely to notice it earlier in the day. In my experience, it starts as an ache in the bottom of your foot, and pain is usually at its worst when you first get out of bed. The pain lessens the more you move around, but it can come back after sitting for long periods. For anyone who spends a lot of time on their feet, this injury can be very painful.

Plantar Fasciitis Recovery Time

Essential Running Injury Prevention Workouts >>
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Why Do Runners Get Plantar Fasciitis?

The repetitive nature of running gait means that runners make a lot of repetitive motions on their feet during a run. Additionally, if you’re not wearing the correct running shoes for your foot type, your plantar fascia may experience excessive strain during a run.

Too much strain causes tissues to become dysfunctional. Unfortunately, that is why many runners get plantar fasciitis. If you love running as much as I do, you want to be sure you take extra steps to protect your body. Make sure that you never ignore the early warning signs of plantar fasciitis (sore soles of your feet in the early morning, for example).

How Runners Can Avoid Plantar Fasciitis

One of the best ways to avoid plantar fasciitis is to stretch your calf muscles regularly and/or foam roll your calf muscles on a regular basis.

Lots of the runners I’ve treated for plantar fasciitis also have chronically tight calf muscles.

Here’s a video to help you with some calf foam rolling techniques.

You can also:

  • Run on trails with soft surfaces
  • Avoid increasing your running distance more than 10-15% per week
  • Focus on maintaining good running technique

Final Thoughts

It can take a from 4 weeks to 6 months for plantar fasciitis to heal completely. You will need to rest and stretch your muscles often and take more breaks from running. Instead of running, I would do low-impact exercises, as these activities keep you in shape but do not put a strain on your feet and joints. As long as you do your plantar fasciitis rehab exercises, you should be up and running soon!

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Can You Run with Plantar Fasciitis?
Last updated on September 16th, 2021.