I do like an opportunity to watch elite athletes in slow motion. They make it all look far too easy! Here’s a great video showing […]
Runner’s Knee (PFP) Taping Techniques for Pain Free Exercise
I’ve just stumbled across this excellent video from my friend @DrChrisBarton, in which he demonstrates a relatively simple taping technique that runners can use to […]
Pool Recovery Session for Runners & Triathletes
The potential benefits of pool recovery sessions seem to be well appreciated amongst the athletes I meet. However many say that they don’t regularly incorporate these sessions into their recovery strategy due to a lack of guidance in terms of what exactly they should do, once in the water.
Tibialis Posterior Strength Exercise: Anytime Anywhere!
Here’s a simple exercise to target the small but important Tibialis Posterior muscle of the lower leg. Often a problematic area in runners and triathletes.
Q&A: How Do You Structure Your Marathon Training For Success?
I’ve been lucky enough to get a slot at next year’s Brighton Marathon. As you know from our previous conversations, I’ve completed a few marathons but feel this time I’d like to make an effort to run sub 3:30 and to potentially use this then as a springboard to achieving a Boston qualifying time in the future.
Do Beginner Runners Need to Consider Technique?
Do beginner runners need to work on technique, or should gradually increasing volume of running naturally allow a new runner to develop their own style?