We all want to run faster – right? Typically we as a running community often use words like efficient and economical to describe what we perceive […]
Running Gait Re-Education for Injury Rehab & Performance

We all want to run faster – right? Typically we as a running community often use words like efficient and economical to describe what we perceive […]
Recently, my colleague and friend Tom Goom shared an excellent graphic on the pros and cons of running gait re-education. Source: Tom Goom This spurred me […]
Earlier today while coaching our weekly Oregon Circuits session here in Norwich, I used the Ubersense App on my iPhone to capture some interesting running footage. I managed to quickly record […]
When coaching distance runners and triathletes at our Running Technique Workshops or 1:1 Sessions I often find myself getting into conversations about ‘ideal’ running form […]
Last night on the running technique webinar I presented for our online course members I was asked a question about one of the foot and ankle mobility drills we use regularly.
These sessions are intense and should be performed once a week at most, but I’m yet to find another running workout that builds strength-endurance and resilience as effectively, not even hill reps, another favourite workout of mine