How many of us have suffered a running injury, rested, diligently done our rehab and embarked on a progressive return to running plan, only to land painfully back at square-one?
Six Tips To Improve Running Technique During Marathon Training
There are a number of running technique focuses any runner can work on during their marathon training without sacrificing their training load.
Strength Training for Hilly Marathon Success
While I’m writing this in the context of preparing to race a hilly marathon course, the same could be said for hilly 5-10km races, XC […]
Master the Skill of Sleeping for Athletic Performance and Recovery
The best positions to sleep in are on your back or on your side. Sleeping on your back will allow your body to naturally fall into a neutral position. Try and use one pillow so that your head is not pushed up into a flexed position or if you sleep on your side one or two pillows should be used to fill the gap between your head and shoulder.
Running Shoe Selection: How to Make an Educated Decision
I’m lucky to work closely with an excellent sports podiatrist, Ian Griffiths (@Sports_Pod). In addition to specialising in foot biomechanics, Ian appreciates the importance of […]
Mobile Running Apps: What Do You Use?
I’m a bit of a geek about my gadgetry, Apps and such things! This morning I asked the following question on Twitter, to see what […]