Glute Activation Workouts for Runners >> Free Download [PDF] I’m always talking about the importance of proper hip mobility, stability and function in runners. If you […]
Gluteus Medius & Minimus Release Exercises

Glute Activation Workouts for Runners >> Free Download [PDF] I’m always talking about the importance of proper hip mobility, stability and function in runners. If you […]
Piriformis tightness can cause significant pain in runners, both locally to the hip (butt pain), and referred down into the leg. Here’s a quick video […]
When many runners consider muscle groups directly affecting knee stability, alignment and thus pain, thoughts turn to the glutes (externally rotating and abducting the hip) […]
I quickly want to share another great video from Kelly Starrett (@MobilityWOD) showing a couple of exercises I use on a regular basis with our […]
Research suggests that modification of step width has the potential to positively influence ITB strain and strain rate, as well as hip adduction and internal rotation – all of which are factors which have been linked prospectively to the development of ITBS in runners.
Dr. Christian Barton discusses current research surrounding the various common biomechanical deficits we see when treating and rehabilitating individuals suffering with patellofemoral pain.