We discuss the unique running style of Priscah Jeptoo. How can she have such an inefficient looking running technique yet remain injury free and run so fast…?
Priscah Jeptoo Running Technique Analysis

We discuss the unique running style of Priscah Jeptoo. How can she have such an inefficient looking running technique yet remain injury free and run so fast…?
I’ve noticed over the years that it’s quite common for many athletes and coaches to focus mainly on hip dominant hamstring exercises such as romanian deadlifts, single leg deadlifts, kettlebell swings and good-mornings. This in itself is no bad thing, as we want to develop the glutes and hamstrings to create a good string extensor mechanism of the hip.
From a coaching stand-point, is there one model of running form which all of our athletes should aspire to achieve? Current running research poses as many questions as it answers…
Bernd Heinrich is a retired Comparative Physiologist and Professor living in a log cabin in the woods of Western Maine. He has held numerous running records throughout his life and has committed much of his time to the study of the natural world. His passion for running, and movement in general comes across so strongly in the interview.
Here’s a quick video to show how you can still work on improving strength endurance of Tib.Ant. while in the comfort of your own office, on the train, etc…
Often, and I speak from bitter experience, we see runners in difficulty as a race evolves and this is very as a result of poor […]