I had a really interesting chat with Ironman athlete and Physiotherapist Claire Doherty (@Claired0) earlier today, regarding glute activation in runners. In particular the importance of […]
Flexion Inspection: How Long Do You Sit Down Every Day?

I had a really interesting chat with Ironman athlete and Physiotherapist Claire Doherty (@Claired0) earlier today, regarding glute activation in runners. In particular the importance of […]
Five simple exercises for you to try to stay injury free in your triathlon training. Alex Price is a triathlon specific physiotherapist for the australian institute of sport.
Learn how to effectively and safely self massage your foot to avoid some of the common running injuries. Leigh Boyle shows us in this video how to perform essential maintenance on your own feet.
Try this simple exercise to identify imbalances in the lower leg, particularly weakness in Tibialis Anterior. Such imbalances contribute to many of the common lower leg running injuries.
Learn two simple exercises to improve hip internal rotation, and why hip rotation is important in running gait. Improve your hip mobility with these internal rotation drills.
As some of you will know, earlier this year I was asked by Chris ‘Macca’ McCormack to join the team of coaches advising the members […]