Over the years I’ve learnt to manage my low back pain and sciatica symptoms very effectively. Here’s a video which does a great job of describing the specific exercises I use on myself and my clients when neural irritation / tension is part of the cause of their symptoms…
Successful Return From Running Injury – Getting It Right First Time
How many of us have suffered a running injury, rested, diligently done our rehab and embarked on a progressive return to running plan, only to land painfully back at square-one?
Strength Training for Hilly Marathon Success
While I’m writing this in the context of preparing to race a hilly marathon course, the same could be said for hilly 5-10km races, XC […]
Gluteus Medius & Minimus Release Exercises
Glute Activation Workouts for Runners >> Free Download [PDF] I’m always talking about the importance of proper hip mobility, stability and function in runners. If you […]
Piriformis Trigger Point Release for Hip Pain and Butt Pain
Piriformis tightness can cause significant pain in runners, both locally to the hip (butt pain), and referred down into the leg. Here’s a quick video […]
Un-Glue Your Hips! Exercise Tweaks For Anterior Chain Muscle Stiffness
I quickly want to share another great video from Kelly Starrett (@MobilityWOD) showing a couple of exercises I use on a regular basis with our […]