This morning I stumbled across this video insight into the kind of core training routine that has helped Craig Alexander become three time Ironman World […]
Craig Alexander Ironman Core Workout

This morning I stumbled across this video insight into the kind of core training routine that has helped Craig Alexander become three time Ironman World […]
Step-by-Step Guide to Posterior Tibialis Strengthening In this article, I want to provide specific guidance for any runners who have been told to strengthen the […]
This video demonstrates a great knee strengthening exercise for runners. This exercise focuses on the VMO muscle – important for runner’s knee
I’m always talking about the importance of engaging and strengthening your Gluteal muscles to improve your running performance and remain injury-free. This how-to video from […]
I’m often asked about the benefits of plyometric drills for runners. While most of us will probably be familiar with the impressive plyometric exercises we […]
Multiplanar exercises can help you prevent running injuries. Learn how to perform exercises in all planes of motion to build strength for running.