As I’m writing this in the air somewhere over the Irish Sea traveling back to London, tens of thousands of runners will be waking up […]
Runner’s Knee (PFP) Taping Techniques for Pain Free Exercise
I’ve just stumbled across this excellent video from my friend @DrChrisBarton, in which he demonstrates a relatively simple taping technique that runners can use to […]
Running Gait Re-Education in the Evidence Based Rehab of Patellofemoral Pain
Recently, my colleague and friend Tom Goom shared an excellent graphic on the pros and cons of running gait re-education. Source: Tom Goom This spurred me […]
Two Hamstring Strengthening Exercises For Running Knee Pain
When many runners consider muscle groups directly affecting knee stability, alignment and thus pain, thoughts turn to the glutes (externally rotating and abducting the hip) […]