Learn how to strengthen weak glutes, and which glute exercises you should add to your workout to run stronger. Glute workouts for runners are so important for injury prevention.
Adductor (Groin) Stretch for Runners & Triathletes
Compared to multidirectional sports for example rugby, basketball, hockey or netball, with all their turning, cutting and changes of direction, the repetitive action of running is very linear. This is often reflected in the available ranges of motion we see in runners, triathletes and other endurance sports people.
Stretching Doesn’t Work…?
At least that’s the sort of sentiment my Twitter feed has been full of this week. So, rather than trying to share my thoughts on […]
Foot & Ankle Mobility Drill for Runners
Last night on the running technique webinar I presented for our online course members I was asked a question about one of the foot and ankle mobility drills we use regularly.
Deep Hip Rotators: Active Piriformis Stretch for Runners
James Dunne demonstrates a dynamic variation of the Pigeon Pose. This is a stretch which will be familiar to many of those who have practiced yoga. Simple yet effective, it has proven to work wonders for my own hips and is great for targeting those often troublesome Piriformis muscles.
Lateral Hip & Low Back Stretch for Runners
Using your own bodyweight bearing down onto the stretch with a combination of hip flexion, adduction and rotation, this exercise specifically targets tightness in the Glute complex, lateral Hamstring (Biceps Femoris), and even into the lower back (QL).